We got to do it!

 I Need To Move!

Yes, about 90% of the time, Candace, that does work for me! The other 10%? I know why we should exercise but to do that is where the tricky part comes in. For me, exercise has become a must; it helps me not only lose weight that magically appears from out of nowhere, lol! Like weight magically appears! It should magically disappear, especially around my stomach area, if that is the case! Anyway, it helps as well to keep everything running right in your body.

From thinking to pooping, exercise is a must for our bodies. Think about it just maybe a couple of hundred years ago, everyday jobs were toiling the soil to reap a harvest for wintertime, or the fact that indoor plumbing wasn't the norm means someone was going to get water from somewhere every day or at least every other day. Over time, our bodies crave exercise, like how we crave that additional slice of chocolate cake!

Have you noticed what happens when we don't move our bodies? Our joints get stiff like the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz; we start to have all types of blood circulation problems; high blood pressure, low blood pressure, cholesterol, and digestion issues. Yes, all of these health issues can be reduced or nonexistent if we just, say it with me EXERCISE!!

Gyms & Other things

For some people, a gym works well; you can exercise your entire body! A few gyms even offer a swimming pool where all types of water activities can be done, and to be honest, that would be the only reason why I would go to a gym. I never found them that appealing but maybe a walk through my subdivision can do the trick. A flight of stairs can get your body moving and burn some calories as well!

At-home gyms have become very popular since Covid19 shutdowns worldwide in 2020; hence, creating a market for affordable gym equipment to be purchased by many. For me, it all started with a Facebook marketplace post with a neighbor looking for a new home for her elliptical machine! Yes Please! All I need now is a treadmill just for those cold and rainy days.

Since the kiddos have to be on the bus by 6:45 am, (so early Marbys! So early!). I put my workout clothes on, thanks, Candace! Join the dropoff queue then head back to the house and depending on whether it is cold or hot I exercise accordingly. On warm mornings it is nice to take a stroll or a brisk walk; because this Chicka doesn't run unless it is to save her life! Then I move to 12 mins on the bike, 12 mins on the rowing machine, and 12 mins on the elliptical. Followed by the cool down with some yoga positions and stretches. Cold mornings are all indoor activities! I know my strengths, and chilly weather is not one of them, I am an island girl for crying out loud! 

Marbys! Before you do any new workout routine, PLEASE consult your doctor on the best type of movement that is good for you! Check out the Bell for the day!


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